Jason Schwartz
Jason earned his Master of Music degree in composition from the Hartt School in Hartford, Connecticut and received the Edward Diemente Award for excellence in music composition. After releasing his first CD of original compositions, Green Horizon, in 2005, Jason’s many collaborations include a stint with Jonathan Lamarr Edwards’ group featuring internationally acclaimed, avant-garde clarinetist Perry Robinson.
Much in demand for his excellent bass work, Jason has performed with a variety of great musicians including, Joe Belmont, Warren Byrd, Saskia Laroo, Jon Fisher, Nicole Zuraitis, Sinan Bakir, Nicki Mathis, Atla and Matt DeChaplain, Jason Robinson, Claire Arenius, the Darryl Kniffen Sextet, Sandy Bailey, Levin Schwartz, Laila Salins, Jim Matus and many more.
Jason is a faculty member at his alma mater, Westfield State University and at Capital Community College in Hartford, Connecticut, where he directs the Chamber Jazz Ensemble.